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The Freedom Paddle is confirmed. The paddling fraternity was jumping with joy following the recent announcement that the iconic surf-ski event, which circumnavigates Robben Island, will be held on the 24th October 2020. The organisers have pulled out all the stops to be COVID-19 compliant and to ensure the safety of all competitors.

The organisers are well versed (and qualified) in this area, given that any event with unmotorised craft onthe open ocean poses significant risks. Utmost care and consideration is given to competitor’s safety forALL circumstances and conditions, COVID-19 was just an unexpected hurdle or challenge which we have had toovercome in order to get the green light to go ahead with the event.

However, now that all is confirmed, the opportunity to celebrate our freedom will take on a whole newmeaning. Originally scheduled for Freedom Day this year (27th April) the organisers were obliged topostpone and the date of the 24th October was always a good option, given that the weather conditionsare very similar. The journey around the Island will hold major significance for those who complete the raceas it will acknowledge the restrictions of the past few months and give them the opportunity to recognisetheir freedom from restrictions and restraints.

The challenge will be the same, a 27km paddle around the Island, on either a single or double ski (last yearwe had a S3 finish the race) or on a SUP or similar craft (subject to safety checks). It’s on – it’s confirmedand it’s happening. We encourage you to use this opportunity to give yourself a goal to work towards andjoin us on the 24th October. Enter right now on or get hold of us if you have anyqueries.

PLEASE NOTE:We have appointed Event Plan and Medics in Motion to assist with the entire event compliance andsafety plan. CSA’s COVID-19 protocols have been provided and we have engaged with the City Health andSafety Officer and National Health Department to ensure the event is compliant. The events applicationhas been accepted for consideration by the City of Cape Town and we await approval. We are beingguided by the National Government and National Health Department COVID-19 regulations throughoutthe process and all measures are being put in place to ensure the safety of all participants and crew. Atthis time, we are confident that the event will go ahead as planned, however final confirmation can onlybe determined closer to the event in line with National Governments adjusted risk assessment protocols.

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