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  • At 6 am, via the race Whatsapp group, we will notify you if the race is going ahead on schedule or if there has been a fog delay.
  • If there is a fog delay, stay at home. DO NOT COME TO THE RACE VENUE.
  • The next update will be at 8.30 am. Each update will be done at 2 hour intervals.
  • We will give you a minimum of 2hrs notice to get to the start of the race.
  •  The latest the race can start will be 2.30pm.
  • Be aware of the weather. If you see fog forming, take stock of your surroundings, and make smart decisions. The water is ice cold, and the air temperature will drop. Hypothermia is a real risk. Staying safe and getting home safely is far more important than a race result.
  • If the race safety officer decides to halt racing, the on water safety boats will sound a horn – 3 short blasts, then 3 long blasts. This pattern will be sounded repeatedly.
  • Immediately stop racing and group together with the fellow paddlers around you.
  • If you are alone, use your race issued whistle to attract attention.
  • If you hear a whistle, answer with your whistle and navigate towards one another.
  • Once you have formed a group return to the start by the shortest route possible.
  • Use a GPS enabled device, loaded with course way points to navigate home. The google maps app of your phone works very well.