Freedom Paddle is proud to announce that Prescient has renewed its headline sponsorship of theeagerly anticipated 2021 event, set to take place at the Oceana Power Boat Club in Granger Bay onFreedom Day (27 April).
The partnership entrenches Prescient’s brand association with this world-class event, whichcontinues to attract some of the finest championship-titled surfski competitors.
Now in its fourth year, the Prescient Freedom Paddle is one of the largest and most unique Surfskiraces in South Africa incorporating SUP (Stand-Up Paddleboards), prone paddlers and rowing skulls.The event sees competitors paddling 27km around one of South Africa’s most iconic landmarks,Robben Island, a commemoration of our journey to democracy and freedom.
Prescient’s sponsorship renewal will shape exciting new developments, including brand activationsto enhance the event, as well as extensive efforts working with traditional media services tochampion the Prescient brand within the competitive paddling arena.
While COVID-19 has inhibited many live sports events around the globe, the Prescient FreedomPaddle highlights the value of resilience and perseverance in these trying times, ensuring thatpaddlers are able to continue competing and achieving their goals.
“2020’s event was an immense success. Despite postponing it from April to October, and inclementweather on the day – which resulted in a 5-hour delay to the start – approximately 250 paddlerswere in their surfskis at the start line. The paddlers’ perseverance and commitment to successresonated profoundly with us as a brand,” says Wisahl Ganief, Head of Marketing at Prescient.
Prescient’s core values align with the resilience and team camaraderie required for competitivepaddling. Ultimately, the brand is about partnerships, which has underpinned every aspect of thebusiness since its humble beginnings over two decades ago.
While Prescient’s global footprint has expanded, their focus remains as concentrated as ever: todeliver maximum value for clients and leverage their expertise, experience and innovation to helpsecure the certainty of success their clients desire – especially during uncertain times.
PLEASE NOTE:We have appointed Event Plan and Medics in Motion to assist with the entire event compliance andsafety plan. CSA’s Covid-19 protocols have been provided and we have engaged with the City Health andSafety Officer and National Health Department to ensure the event is complaint. The events applicationhas been accepted for consideration by the City of Cape Town and we await approval. We are beingguided by the National Government and National Health Department Covid-19 regulations throughoutthe process and all measures are being put in place to ensure the safety of all participants and crew. Atthis time, we are confident that the event will go ahead as planned, however final confirmation can onlybe determined closer to the event in line with National Governments adjusted risk assessment protocols.